Welcome to ACOUSTICS 2024 High Tatras

Welcome to the International Conference ACOUSTICS 2024 High Tatras.

It is our pleasure to invite you to the Acoustics 2024 High Tatras conference, which is a joint event of two conferences organized by the Slovak Acoustical Society (SKAS) – „MAP, Zvolen“ and „MAK, Kočovce“. Event is the continuation of successful Czechoslovak and later Slovak international acoustic conferences in the past.

This conference will take place in the beautiful environment of High Tatras – Štrbské Pleso on 12th – 14th June 2024 in Hotel Panorama : https://hotelpanorama.sk/en/

Registration: https://2024.acoustics.sk/registration-form/
Extended abstract template: https://2024.acoustics.sk/authors/  
Information on YAN meeting: dominika.hudokova [at] stuba.sk
We are looking forward to welcoming you to High Tatras.